

This just in from my uni’s lgbt society: hearing conversations abt gay people is hard for bi people bc it’s not about them 😦

You think I’m kidding

This is from an article which is basically a list of “examples of bi erasure” genuinely talking abt lesbians or a gay guy isn’t erasing bis it’s just talking abt someone who isn’t bi! And we’re not even getting into “gay marriage” being biphobia ffs

Okay what the actual fuck

  • Let gay people be gay and have their own spaces
  • bisexuals are a part of the LGB for their same sex attraction NOT opposite sex attraction
  • bisexuals don’t need to be included in everything omg
  • This culture of inclusion needs to die out NOW


russia is a country in which you can be convicted for fucking memes you post on your personal page. it’s happening right now with frightening frequency. it’s happening to outpoken feminists, opposition figures and just ordinary people minding their business. no one is immune. the police come to their homes and just take them away. they take horrified people that are not familiar with any legal subtleties and force them to sign ‘confessions’.

one of those people is Tatyana Sukhareva. she’s a radical feminist and a known fighter for the rights of

political prisoners. and now she is one. she’s been on trial for fabricated bullshit case for the last 3+ years and most of this time she’s held in captivity. she went on a hunger strike several times, she was brutally beaten and tortured. she’s still in jail even though it’s illegal at this point and she is extremely ill.

lesbians and gay men are losing their jobs, freedom, families and even lifes. and it is endorsed by our goverment. and you FUCKING IDIOTS – knowing how dangerous it can be for gay people to live here – you DARE to threaten a russian lesbian explicitly because she’s a lesbian and she’s in russia to report her in order to send her to some fucking “death camp”? in the name of activism ofcourse. because she dared to draw a satirical illustration of the way you demonize us, and it hurt feelings of

precious first world white straight males and everyone involved in their larping. you fucking monsters. you absolute piles of garbage.

i already knew about and saw some of graphic death and rape threats you sick fuckers sent to her. i also got a few simply for standing up for her. it was disgusting but

laughable at the same time – because i know that in case of an actual attack i have no problem with fighting back. wouldn’t be the first time beating the shit out of rapist. but this is a whole new low.

burn in hell you and your whole homophobic, misogynistic, rotten “community”.

Since this apparently needs clarifying


You’re not not homophobic just because you agree that homosexuals should not be forced to have sex with a person of the opposite sex if that person is pre-op/non-passing, if you still push that it’s transphobic to exclude ALL trans people from one’s dating pool.

“But what about trans people who undergo SRS??”

First of all, secondary sex characteristics are just as important as genitals. But even if you insist on pretending that the only thing setting a male body and a female body apart is the crotch region, that point is still bullshit. A neo-vagina is not the same thing as a natal vagina. Even if the surgeon does a stellar job in making it look the same, it still doesn’t function the same. And the same goes for phalloplasty, as well.

“But you can’t always tell someone is trans! Saying you’ll never date a trans person is transphobic because it implies you think they’re all non-passing!”

Here’s the thing: I don’t want to date a biological male, no matter how well that person passes. I don’t care how many thousands of dollars a trans woman pours into looking as feminine as possible because their body is still biologically male. There is no changing that.
I can honestly tell you I’ve never met a trans woman in person who passed well enough to make me believe they were cis, but even if I did, I still would not include them in my dating pool because I don’t want to date biological males. This is for a variety of reasons – reasons that I am not obligated to share with anyone, because I don’t have to give anyone access to my body period. I don’t owe anybody sex. 

Nobody owes anybody sex. No means no. And if this hypothetical trans woman managed to trick me into sleeping with them, they would be raping me. It’s called rape by deception.

So, once again: I don’t want to date a biological male, no matter how well that person passes. 

And I don’t have to. And if you tell me I can’t exclude them just because they paid a surgeon a ridiculous amount of money to have their Adam’s apple shaved of, you’re a homophobe. And if you try to guilt-trip me into dating someone I am not comfortable dating, you are a rapey homophobe.

Does this mean I do not want that person to have equal rights? To have access to health care or job security or the same minimum wage as ‘cis’ people or whatever? No! Just because I don’t want to date them doesn’t mean I don’t think they deserve the same rights as everyone else. But sex is not a human right. And dating is not a human right. And that’s why not dating a biological male does not make me a transphobe.

That’s why you’re still a homophobe, even if you respect “genital preferences”. (Homosexuality is not a preference, while we’re on the subject.)

That’s why you’re still pushing rape rhetoric if you tell someone that excluding all trans people from our dating pool is transphobic “because you can’t always tell if someone is trans.”

Maybe you’re right, maybe you can’t always tell, but if a trans person hides this truth from the people they intend to sleep with, they are committing a crime.







I’m sorry. I couldn’t take it anymore. I went off my meds two weeks ago just so I’d actually be able to follow through with this.
The threats, the lesbophobia, the Orwellian thought policing. I’m not allowed to be a lesbian anywhere, even the so called “lgbt” community, the place where we are supposed to be accepted, hates lesbians and tells them that their sexuality can be changed and that there’s something wrong with not wanting dick, something wrong with our innate, immutable, sexuality.
Lesbians are vanishing due to “queer culture” and between being isolated and watching my sisters vanish and getting threats for existing as who I am and acknowledging reality, I couldn’t take it.
This has been a long time coming, it just took a while to get the nerve to do it. My mental health has taken such a toll from all this that this seems to be the only way out.

I… hesitated on reblogging this because the last thing I want to do is be disrespectful. This woman was, by everything I ever saw and from what others say about her, a lovely and caring individual. She didn’t deserve this, ever.

Please know that there is help if you feel like this. Please. There are lots of us here to listen. I will stay up with you, I will talk to you, you are not alone.

This is an absolute tragedy. Your mental health is more important than any of this here. Your life is more important than anything. You are worth being here. You are a human being and you are a child of the universe, and you have the right to be here.

Please be okay, dear sisters. And if you need help being okay, it’s here.

And the people who made this woman feel this way, who push this hatred on us… you need to stop. You need to stop this right now.

Rest In Peace.

Has anyone heard for sure? Anyone know her IRL? Can tech ppl find her IP thing and contact local police?

For any other sisters struggling please don’t be worried about stepping back from activism to take care of your own health. I know it’s hard, and the sexism in the system is difficult, but there is always someone out there.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline toll-free at 800-273-8255.

@dysapphoric has contact with her through facebook and says this is the case–that is the best information I have. I would love for this to not be true, I would love to have her alive. I don’t think that is the case, as horrible as it is.

dont forget this, dont forget her

women and girls have been bullied to death by the transcults lesbophobia

they have literal blood on their hands while they scream at these women that their words are killing men who wear womanhood as a costume

dont forget this

dont forget her

Imagine not seeing the hypocrisy in this

Imagine celebrating someone’s suicide because they understand that men can’t become women and that lesbians don’t like penis

If seeing this doesn’t plant even a tiny seed of doubt in the current state of transactivism, you’re an irredeemable subhuman

I’m sorry I can’t get myself to be attracted to amabs. I get super uncomfortable just thinking about it and I feel horrible. Is it OK if I just identify as asexual instead so I’m not transmisogynistic? I just can’t do this I’m so sorry I feel disgusting no matter what I do




Please I know you talked about deleting asks about genital attraction but I’m freaking out. I’ve had so many panic attacks over this. 

Urgent – is it OK to identify as asexual if it’s too painful and hard to be sexually open to all genitals??? Or can I date and just not have sex if Im uncomfortable or is that bad 

[I’m assuming all of these asks were sent by the same person since they were sent right in a row and are about the same content matter]

Calling people who were assigned male at birth “amabs” is dehumanizing. Not all people who were assigned male at birth have the same set up genitals-wise. You’re still transmisogonistic if you ID as ace specifically to avoid sexual interactions with people who were AMAB. 

Ding as ace to avoid an entire group of people who are diverse and varied is gross.

You don’t have to have sex with anyone! Not having sex with people is okay. You don’t have to have sex with everyone you date. You don’t have to have sex with anyone you date! Any time you have sex with someone you should feel able to talk about what makes you comfortable, what makes you uncomfortable, what bits you are okay with, and what bits you aren’t okay with. [here is a good resource for that sort of thing, warnings for talk of menstruation, pregnancy, and general sex talk].

tl;dr: IDing as ace specifically to avoid having sex with people who were assigned male at birth (a large and varied group of people) is transmisogonistic. You don’t have to have sex with anyone. Talk about things with your partner(s) beforehand.


Did you wake up this morning and think “I’m a terrible homophobe who doesn’t really understand sexuality so how about I push that on a scared lesbian”?

Imagine still thinking you’re on the right side of history when you’re so homophobic that you’ve forced a lesbian to believe she needs to identify as asexual because you’ve made her so ashamed of her orientation and that’s the only way she thinks she’s “allowed” to say no to sex she doesn’t want. Absolutely unbelievable.





I didn’t know until like a week or two ago that people actually think all lesbians are terfs like,, how?? Why?? Maybe DONT do that???

Homosexual women are automatically terfs didn’t you get the memo

^ this. if you’re a biological female exclusively attracted to other biological females, that’s terfy bc you excluded biological males from your pussy. even tho being homosexual isn’t a choice. even tho there’s a t on the lgbt for the same sex attracted trans ppl who fought for the same rights. the old trans community knew what homosexuality is bc most of them were gay too. the modern trans community is full of straight white males who can’t handle that queer women will use their pronouns but never fuck them.





the worst part of the “cotton ceiling” is that it isn’t about lesbians who are transphobic or “terfs”. it was specifically about lesbians who supported trans women, viewed them as women, and welcomed them into their spaces, but just didn’t want to sleep with them.

cis lesbians’ tendency to support trans causes generally but draw the line at sleeping with trans women or including trans lesbians in their sexual communities

cis queer women will be friends with us and talk day and night about trans rights and ending transmisogyny, but will still not consider us viable sexual partners.”

It isn’t enough for you to be their friend, fight for trans rights, accept their view of gender identity, and use their preferred name and pronouns. It’s all meaningless to them if you won’t also fuck a transwoman. It’s male entitlement to women’s bodies by another name. 

Transwomen are the Nice Guys™️ and lesbian sexuality is the friendzone. It’s literally the exact same dynamic. “You want to be my friend but you won’t fuck me, you’re a horrible person, you’re a ~insert gendered slur here~ and I’m DONE being a Nice Guy™️ because YOU broke me!!”

And they wonder why “cisbians” are constantly getting terfed when they do everything in their power to welcome these men and these men say in return “but you got to fuck me though.”

Nothing breaks the illusion that these men are women more readily. 








Men have an obsession with breeding women like cattle on a farm fantasies but can’t admit sexism still exists

Of course it’s a fucking lesbian. Of fucking course it is.

Straight girls aren’t going to fuck you, that’s the whole point of them being straight. Next thing you know these bitches are going to be advocating for corrective rape, but in a roundabout way they like to use

hetero women are predatory towards lesbians not the other way around. they try to lure lesbians into threesomes with their hubby and see lesbians as sex toys and not as people.

hetero women do, in reality right now and not in the lesbophobic fantasy of someone’s mind, advocate for the corrective rape of lesbians. they dont just advocate it, many times they participate and they help facilitate and arrange it. the fact that you would even use the phrase corrective rape to demonize lesbians and paint hetero women as victims is absolutely vile.

stop with the homophobic reversals and with demonizing an oppressed minority of women who already face sexual violence because of extreme heterosexist hatred (lesbians are too exclusionary!!) and unfounded fear (lesbians are too predatory!!). hetero women are the ones who are dangerous to lesbians and actively harm lesbians everyday all over the world. not the other way around. 

Wait, wait, wait, hold up lemme bring back who is actually sexually predatory. Here are straight and bi women infiltrating  a forum specifically asking about actual homosexual relationships:


I have no words for the sheer audacity of homophobes to reverse reality like this, to accuse lesbians, a small marginalised group of women who are targeted for abuse and corrective rape in real life, of being the ones who want to correctively rape straight women. 

From this article, here’s an example of a straight woman who arranged for and aided a man to rape her lesbian daughter.


Then there are straight women like this who assault lesbians with their male partners.


And from this article is yet more evidence that it is straight women who are dangerous to lesbians. This straight woman was so pissed that lesbian women dared to use the women’s bathroom in a bar that she told her group of male friends that one of the lesbians “made unwanted sexual advances towards her.”


Straight women happily, willfully weaponise the false homophobic stereotype of “predatory lesbians” against lesbians in order to punish them, and get them raped, beaten, and/or murdered in the process. The lesbian in the above story ended up being stabbed to death by the 9 men.

Shame on everyone that acts like lesbians are out here in droves trying to “convert” straight women when it’s actually straight women who just won’t leave lesbians the fuck alone. Hetero men AND women are disgusting pieces of shit.

I hate that once again we have to deal with this trope again. It’s similar to the violence men perpetrate against women they can’t have. Het woman and Bihets do this too. Only through male proxies.

When one of my friends found out I was gay the first thing she said to me (in front of our whole group) was “oh god, I slept in the same bed as you on camp! You could have raped me!” Straight women are just as fucking awful as men

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