At this rate trans activism is just male activism

  • penisism (saw on cocksmashers blog I think)
  • meninism
  • masculinism
  • MRA


I mean really it’s the ultimate MGTOW because men will transition into what they think being a woman is and anyone who is actually a woman (trans identifying or not) is made to shut up and told they aren’t women, shouldn’t have a voice, have some mysterious privilege …


I’m at that stage in my blog where I’m preemptively blocked by people I didn’t know existed




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me when a girl refers to her “partner”: 👀
me when i find out she was talking about her boyfriend with a beard: 😴

bi women when the lesbian you were talking to suddenly devalues you for dating a guy: 


woman finding out the lesbian shes talking to assumes her nb partner is a man:

tony hawk landing the 1st ever 900 seen at the x games in 1999:

Me when a straight person doesn’t understand the concept of the post but tries to be included

tony hawk :

I’m screaming bc I just saw a post by @wetwareproblem about how if you have more cis people in your TRANS ACTIVISM instead of trans WOMEN you failed or whatever and LOL

Way to throw trans men under the bus, your maleness is showing 😂👌

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