Since this apparently needs clarifying


You’re not not homophobic just because you agree that homosexuals should not be forced to have sex with a person of the opposite sex if that person is pre-op/non-passing, if you still push that it’s transphobic to exclude ALL trans people from one’s dating pool.

“But what about trans people who undergo SRS??”

First of all, secondary sex characteristics are just as important as genitals. But even if you insist on pretending that the only thing setting a male body and a female body apart is the crotch region, that point is still bullshit. A neo-vagina is not the same thing as a natal vagina. Even if the surgeon does a stellar job in making it look the same, it still doesn’t function the same. And the same goes for phalloplasty, as well.

“But you can’t always tell someone is trans! Saying you’ll never date a trans person is transphobic because it implies you think they’re all non-passing!”

Here’s the thing: I don’t want to date a biological male, no matter how well that person passes. I don’t care how many thousands of dollars a trans woman pours into looking as feminine as possible because their body is still biologically male. There is no changing that.
I can honestly tell you I’ve never met a trans woman in person who passed well enough to make me believe they were cis, but even if I did, I still would not include them in my dating pool because I don’t want to date biological males. This is for a variety of reasons – reasons that I am not obligated to share with anyone, because I don’t have to give anyone access to my body period. I don’t owe anybody sex. 

Nobody owes anybody sex. No means no. And if this hypothetical trans woman managed to trick me into sleeping with them, they would be raping me. It’s called rape by deception.

So, once again: I don’t want to date a biological male, no matter how well that person passes. 

And I don’t have to. And if you tell me I can’t exclude them just because they paid a surgeon a ridiculous amount of money to have their Adam’s apple shaved of, you’re a homophobe. And if you try to guilt-trip me into dating someone I am not comfortable dating, you are a rapey homophobe.

Does this mean I do not want that person to have equal rights? To have access to health care or job security or the same minimum wage as ‘cis’ people or whatever? No! Just because I don’t want to date them doesn’t mean I don’t think they deserve the same rights as everyone else. But sex is not a human right. And dating is not a human right. And that’s why not dating a biological male does not make me a transphobe.

That’s why you’re still a homophobe, even if you respect “genital preferences”. (Homosexuality is not a preference, while we’re on the subject.)

That’s why you’re still pushing rape rhetoric if you tell someone that excluding all trans people from our dating pool is transphobic “because you can’t always tell if someone is trans.”

Maybe you’re right, maybe you can’t always tell, but if a trans person hides this truth from the people they intend to sleep with, they are committing a crime.

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